Frequently asked questions about exemptions
- Can relevant work experience be considered when applying for exemptions?
- How can I use my AAT/ICAEW qualification to apply for an exemption?
- How do I obtain a module description?
- I completed two years at college before university – which form do I complete?
- I have already studied at another institute – am I eligible for exemptions based on this?
- I have been enrolled and applied for exemptions, what happens next?
- I studied an accredited degree, but did not cover all the modules required. I completed a similar module, which form do I complete?
- I studied an accredited degree, but studied a year abroad.
- My module outlines are not particularly detailed. Will this provide enough information?
- What is an academic transcript?
- When should I apply for an exemptions by?
- Who can I contact with a question about exemptions?
- Why am I not exempt from completing Ethics?