General FAQs
- Am I in practice? Do I need a Practising Certificate (PC)?
- Can I submit my Practising Certificate application without my Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) certificate?
- Can I use the individual version AND the firm version of an ICAS Practice Logo?
- Does ICAS have Practice logos?
- I am ceasing Practice and no longer require my Practising Certificate (PC), what do I need to do?
- I am setting up in practice outside the UK, do I need a Practising Certiticate?
- I am unsure if I require a practising certificate, who can help me?
- I do not have audit experience in the previous two years across 10 audits, so can't fully complete the Audit Experience form. Can I still apply to be a Responsible Individual (RI)?
- I don't think I need an alternate as my practice is very small, can I be exempt?
- I joined ICAS through the CIPFA TRE Pathways route, can I obtain an audit practising certificate?
- Is there any intention to run “Keeping Audit on the Right Track” courses in person this year?
- What information should be included in my character and technical references to support my Practising Certificate application?
- Why do I need Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) when I cease practice?