The ICAS reduced subscription is based on your expected income for the subscription year, rather than your working status, so it will depend on the maternity/paternity package you receive from your employer.
If your income will be less than the income threshold set by Council for the current subscription year, excluding the statutory portion of any maternity/paternity pay and any benefits (e.g. child benefit) you receive, you can make an application for a reduced subscription.
If your income will exceed this threshold but your personal circumstances will make it difficult to pay your fees (e.g. you are the primary earner in your household, or you have large outgoings), you can still apply, but you will need to provide details of your income and circumstances. Applications on the grounds of exceptional circumstances are assessed on a case-by-case basis and may not always be granted.
While you are on maternity leave, you will need to either ensure you are keeping up to date with CPD during your leave, or you will need to ensure you have a plan in place to get back up to speed when you return to work. Please visit CPD for further advice, guidance, and some example records.