Whilst your assessments are live invigilated, there are certain requirements that you must follow and abide by during your Proctorio set-up. Failure to abide by the following requirements could result in you being subject to investigation and sanctions under the ICAS Examination Regulations and Academic Integrity Policy.
Identification Checks:
During Proctorio set-up, you will be required to provide one form of identification (ID) and to show the photograph and signature to the camera.
Accepted forms of identification are:
- Passport
- Biometric National identification card
- Driving licence
The ID must be current and must contain a photograph and signature. Only original documentation will be accepted, photocopies or digital copies of ID will not be accepted.
If the photo of your identification is not legible, then you will be asked by Proctorio to send a photo to ICAS once your assessment has ended. This should be sent to with the subject line ‘TPS assessment ID Check’.
Room Scan:
You MUST complete a scan of the environment in which they are sitting the exam as part of the assessment set-up. Failure to complete this scan fully will be reported to the assessment panel and may result in your assessment being invalidated.
The room scan forms an integral part of the academic integrity process and allows ICAS to determine that no breaches of assessment regulations have taken place within the environment (i.e. use of non-permitted materials/devices, sharing of environment with other people etc.). The room scan should follow the below guidelines:
- The scan should be done slowly and as smoothly as possible –Proctorio and ICAS require sufficient time to validate the scan.
- For all assessments you must complete a 180 degree scan of your exam environment including desk area.
- Complete this scan by panning the webcam or laptop around your room/desk (you do not have to scan under your desk).
- Be sure to move the webcam or laptop slowly to clearly capture your room and desk area.
- If you cannot move your camera (it’s built into your PC) please use a mirror to conduct the scan.
If the room scan is too quick or not clear enough the first-time round, then Proctorio may ask you to complete it again. Please follow all instructions given to you regarding the room scan.
Following the room scan, your computer and camera must remain in the room throughout your assessment.